Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TEAM CANADA in the first US Professional International Futsal (Futbol de Salon) Tournament in the NYC greater metropolitan area, including the City College of New York from October 26-30 2011

Events Group Worldwide will pioneer the first US Professional International Futsal (Futbol de Salon) Tournament. This event will be hosted in the NYC greater metropolitan area, including the City College of New York from October 26-30 2011
... EGW is hosting Professional International FUTSAL National Teams flying in from Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Canada, US Team.
The teams selected are chosen among those participants of the AMF 2011 Futsal World Cup, recently held in Colombia. Teams are all affiliated with the AMF (Asociacion Mundial de Futsal)

About the SportFutbol Salon (FUTSAL) originated in 1930 after Uruguay won the World Cup and the soccer gold medal in the Olympics. Juan Carlos Ceriani, an Argentinean physical education instructor living in Uruguay at the time put together the rules of the newly found game based on the rules of water polo, handball and basketball. FUTSAL is extremely fast paced, played on a court similar to basketball size and is 5v5 players. With a smaller sized ball which bounces a lot less than the official soccer size ball.
The concept of indoor soccer, is not new in the US, and FUTSAL (futbol de salon, futbol sala, Indoor soccer), microfutbol, professional arena soccer, indoor soccer are all rapidly spreading across the US, among soccer and sports fanatics. There are thousands of leagues throughout the US at youth and amateur levels.
It’s teachings of mastery and technique with the soccer ball is becoming a pre-cursor for the professional soccer players. In fact, many of the more successful professional soccer players like Pele, Ronaldo, and Beckham attribute their success to the skills learned with indoor soccer (futbol de salon).
Our goal is to offer a high-level of professionalism, prestige and unification of this sport. Through hosting this level of pro-indoor soccer tournaments with international masters of the sport we can achieve our goals. Fans will be excited to see their prestigious players here in the US.
26 al 30 deOctubre

Events Group Worldwide (EGW) será pionero del primer torneo internacional en los EE.UU. de FUTSAL Profesional (Fútbol de Salón). EGW tendrá el honor de ser el anfitrión de las selecciones del FUTSAL de Argentina, Canadá, Brasil, Ecuador,USA, Colombia, México, y Perú. Los equipos seleccionados fueron escogidos dentro los participantes de la AMF 2011 Copa Mundial de Fútbol Sala, celebrado recientemente en Colombia.
También participara un equipo representando a los EE.UU.
Alex Astorgas

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